Sunday 25 November 2012

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

 Do you feel like your life is generally going great and you’re doing the kind of things that you want to do, but you just have this sinking feeling that maybe you’re missing out on something? Like feeling lost, restless, or shiftless?Do you feel like there’s this great life you should be living but you just don’t know how to make it happen?Do find yourself wishing that life would finally start for you?
Do you feel anxious about your life, sure there’s something else you’re supposed to be doing but you don’t have any idea what it is?

I faced it many times in my life. The truth is this feeling or emotion i feel or felt is highly dangerous. It affects my day, I'm sure it does to you too. It's not the kind of feeling even chocolates or yakults could help me much any longer.

Sometimes i want to really give a big huge sigh.
Deep inside i know what i want. At the end of my every awakness i knew what i expect out of my life.But..

There's alwas a but or what if(s), yea?
Major disease this is. Ahuh. Definitely.

Every man must have lofty aims and ambitions. But one must temper expectations with a dose of reality. Not all of us are chasing to be rich and famous. For me, i want financial freedom and completeness. Theres every reason to what i want that makes sense to my personal inner voice. We need to honestly assess what we’re really capable of.

And for that..I guess is to..
Take small steps. 

And of course have faith, believe and just wait to know what Allah install for us all.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Nourish beginnings leads to blessing. Life's greatest blessing

27 October 2013.
Congratulations to us!
 Our Engagement!

27: Her birth number

10(October): His birth number.

Just for fun significant.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Moving to the Future.

It's a matter of days till our engagement day comes.
all the preparations, the bookings, the catering, the setting, the arrangement is almost settled.
Reminicing how things past and how time flies makes me smile.

We moving to the future,together.

Remember how we first met.
Nobody see it coming, not even us.
But the magnetism between us, we felt it very strongly.
I knew i had pushed you away very very very hard..
I knew you backed off very very very hard too.
But somehow somewhere sometime later, we just cant deny the pull between us.
All i could say is, Everything Happens For a Reason.
Syukur alhamdullilah.

Counting the days.

See you my love.